Most Practical Ways How to Help Children in Poverty

According to the Unicef, about 1 billion children worldwide are affected by poverty. With such a high number, one may be curious about how to help children in poverty.

Unicef further explains that 365 million children live in extreme poverty. Children in these situations are forced to live on less than $1.90 per day.

The numbers may be disheartening, but there are certain ways to help children in poverty. After all, it has been said that child poverty is solvable and can be eradicated through consistent attention and joint efforts of the community.

Valuable Ways on How to Help Children in Poverty

Anyone can contribute to helping make life better for children in poverty. There are many ways to help them – it just depends on one’s capabilities and willingness to help.

1.      Help address hunger.

Unicef used the term “multidimensionally poor” to describe children in poverty. This means that the children lack even the basic necessities, like clean water and proper nutrition.

Poverty is one of the reasons why there are hungry children worldwide. Children who suffer from constant hunger can suffer from life-long consequences. They may experience “stunted” growth, and their cognitive development may be affected too.

One of the most practical ways to help children in poverty is to provide them with their next meal. This can be in the form of food baskets for their family or sponsoring a free meal for the day.

2.      Help improve their literacy.

According to Save the Children, there are about 800 million people all around the world who can neither read nor write. Another study has also identified that socioeconomic factors, such as poverty, affect literacy rates.

Access to good education and improved literacy skills could mean a better life for children in poverty. A good education can give them opportunities for better jobs and open up possibilities to improve their lives.

Some countries have already reduced the barrier to helping children attend school by eliminating school fees. However, they are yet to account for other school expenses like supplies, books, travel costs, and uniforms.

One should consider donating school supplies to children in poverty. This way, the children can focus more on learning in class and staying enrolled in school. This is because they already have the tools they need to study.

3.      Volunteer

Volunteering is one of the most practical ways on how to help children in poverty. Do this by identifying first a skill that to teach children and connect with a reputable organization to apply as a volunteer.

There is nothing more precious than sharing one’s skills and time for the betterment of children’s lives. Volunteering can be in the form of

  • teaching a skill
  • tutoring a child
  • helping build infrastructure that these children will rely on
  • spending quality time with the children

No matter what it is, there is surely an organization that will fit one’s values. One should just make sure to connect with a trusted organization. This is to ensure that any form of help will reach the children in need.

There are many ways to help children in poverty with Sueños de Yarali.

If you want to help children in poverty, consider connecting with Sueños de Yarali. Our charity was formally established in 2016, and we have helped children in different parts of South, Central, and North America.

Our donors and sponsors from all over the world have helped children in poverty get a decent education, enjoy their childhood through toys, and eat a good meal. If you want to become part of this community, then call us at 888-992-7254 to learn more about our efforts.