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Help The Children

We started with a simple desire to help a classroom of children gain access to basic necessities. Today, Sueños de Yarali has 17 projects that provide underprivileged children and their families with basic needs. Be an advocate and support our cause to help the children in need, especially those who are living in extreme poverty.

At Sueños de Yarali, we understand the unique challenges that underprivileged children face, and we are committed to providing them with the tools and resources they need to thrive. Our mission is to create a brighter future for young minds. Our non-profit programs for children encompass a wide rang e of areas, including education, healthcare, food, and social development.

Help The Children

We started with a simple desire to help a classroom of children gain access to basic necessities. Today, Sueños de Yarali has 17 projects that provide underprivileged children and their families with basic needs. Be an advocate and support our cause to help the children in need, especially those who are living in extreme poverty.

At Sueños de Yarali, we understand the unique challenges that underprivileged children face, and we are committed to providing them with the tools and resources they need to thrive. Our mission is to create a brighter future for young minds. Our non-profit programs for children encompass a wide rang e of areas, including education, healthcare, food, and social development.

Money distribution

Suenos de Yarali ensures that the donations of our patrons are effectively managed and used for the benefit of the children in need. Whether a personal sponsorship or corporate donation, we make sure that the funds are accounted for. This step helps us know how much funds we collect and how much funds we spend.
Aside from Honduras, the country where we started, your donations have also reached the United States, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru. We continuously update our donors with our projects and ensure that we remain transparent on how we spend the money entrusted to us. This transparency in our income and expenditure makes us more reputable and trustable non-profit initiatives for children.

Over the years, your generosity has been helping the children and their families with the following:


When we started, we distributed school supplies and toys to the less fortunate kids. We continue this tradition of providing children with the materials that they need to remain in school. Education is at the heart of our efforts, as we believe that every child deserves access to quality learning opportunities.

We also believe that education can help the children in becoming successful in whatever field they choose. This is why we commit to giving them the materials that they need so that they can focus on their studies and secure their future.


When we started, we distributed school supplies and toys to the less fortunate kids. We continue this tradition of providing children with the materials that they need to remain in school. Education is at the heart of our efforts, as we believe that every child deserves access to quality learning opportunities.

We also believe that education can help the children in becoming successful in whatever field they choose. This is why we commit to giving them the materials that they need so that they can focus on their studies and secure their future.



Cleanliness starts in the home. Children need more medical attention in their homes because fostering a healthy and nurturing environment is essential towards shaping their future. They need more hygiene and cleaning supplies to grow up with a healthy mind and body. When these underprivileged children are healthy, 

they can work hard towards brightening their future. 
We as a
non-profit organization for children provide children with hygiene and cleaning supplies that they can use to disinfect their homes. More often, diseases spread in the community because of a lack of sanitation. Through the sanitation kits we give to the less fortunate children, we help prevent and combat the spread of diseases and infection.


Part of our desire to ensure that every impoverished child remains in school is to give them healthy meals. Hungry children will not perform well in school. Hunger can make these underprivileged children physically and mentally weak. When children do not have nutritious meals,

they are more prone to sickness.
Therefore, as a
non-profit organization for children it is our duty to satisfy their hunger so, we want to ensure that we provide complete and nutritious meals to children. This way, they can perform well in school and work hard for their bright future. Join us in fostering a brighter future through impactful initiatives, empowering every child to break the cycle of poverty and achieve their full potential.


Cleanliness starts in the home. Children need more medical attention in their homes because fostering a healthy and nurturing environment is essential towards shaping their future. They need more hygiene and cleaning supplies to grow up with a healthy mind and body. When these underprivileged children are healthy, they can work hard towards brightening their future. 

We as a non-profit organization for children provide children with hygiene and cleaning supplies that they can use to disinfect their homes. More often, diseases spread in the community because of a lack of sanitation. Through the sanitation kits we give to the less fortunate children, we help prevent and combat the spread of diseases and infection.


Part of our desire to ensure that every impoverished child remains in school is to give them healthy meals. Hungry children will not perform well in school. Hunger can make these underprivileged children physically and mentally weak. When children do not have nutritious meals, they are more prone to sickness.

Therefore, as a non-profit organization for children it is our duty to satisfy their hunger so, we want to ensure that we provide complete and nutritious meals to children. This way, they can perform well in school and work hard for their bright future. Join us in fostering a brighter future through impactful initiatives, empowering every child to break the cycle of poverty and achieve their full potential.

Join our cause

Like us on Facebook and share our page to your friends. This way, many people will become aware of what we do and what our cause is. We make sure to keep our page updated regularly so that more and more people can join us in eradicating the poverty of these underprivileged children.

Be one of our donors. You can also help the children by becoming one of our donors. Surely, your donation will make a big difference in the lives of children. You can contribute in giving them a bright future through a one-time or recurring donation. There are different ways to donate. Click the link to learn how you can make a difference.

Be a volunteer. There are different ways that you can volunteer to support our mission. Your involvement in our organization can help start a ripple effect that can and will definitely change the lives of many children in the future. Lend a hand now and be one of our volunteers.

We help the children with multiple projects in different countries, covering basic food, educational, and health needs for under-privileged children and their families. We have different campaigns that run throughout the year: Back to School Campaign, Children’s Day, Celebrating Christmas, Help the Elderly, and Special Campaign. Learn more about us today.


Your donations are invested in all projects across the world. The countries we have helped are:

Your contribution is distributed to the children and their families in the following areas:




Join Our Cause